>Focus The Nation

Pictured above: Team Marine speaks on the problems currently facing our planet.

On Thursday February 4th 2010 Team Marine teamed up wit Santa Monica High School’s ASB to put on Focus The Nation. Focus The Nation was a school wide assembly for periods one thru six. Team Marine brought in many expert speakers on sustainability and the environment such as ACE, Heal The Bay, THe Plastic Pollution Coalition and The City Of Santa Monica. The assemblies were attended by hundreds of Santa Monica High School students who learned about the problems facing our planet and what hey can do to make a difference. Team Marine presented and displayed their documentary “Rethink” to periods four thru 6.

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Pictured above: ACE speaks to Santa Monica High School students about global warming.

Restaurants prepare for ban

Restaurants prepare for ban

By Melody Hanatani

Daily Press Staff Writer

CITYWIDE The countdown has begun for Santa Monica eateries to begin phasing out their inventory of plastic and Styrofoam containers, environmental demons that will be banished under a new municipal code that takes effect in more than a week. In January 2007, the City Council passed an ordinance that would prohibit the use of expanded polystyrene (Styrofoam) and non-recyclable plastic to-go containers from restaurants and City Hall-managed facilities. While the latter category was forced into compliance last February, restaurants were given a year to make the switch.

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