The 5 Gyres Institute is an environmental organization that not only spreads awareness about the issues in our oceans such as plastic bag pollution, dumping of harmful chemicals, as well as the endangerment of marine life all over the world. The activists at 5 Gyres collect evidence from oceans all over the world and present their findings to industries, advocates, and policy makers to fight for the preservation of the oceans all over the world and to protect the oceanic resources that if not rationed, will become rare and have a major impact on the human and animal populations They also educate and train others to become activist as well so that they can help to save the planet as well. The organization provides testimonies and anecdotes on the relationship and interaction between plastic and the ocean, chemicals and the ocean, marine life and their response to the chemicals and plastics, and the overall impact of all these things to human health. Each of these makes 5 Gyres a significant group. All of us here at Team marine strongly endorse the 5 Gyres Institute and the causes they fight for. We support them in every way possible and whenever we can and if would like, you can too. The 5 Gyres institute is taking donations to fund their cause because saving the world is not cheap.