Tomorrow at 4 o’clock, Team Marine coach Mr. Kay, along with members Kalon, Ivan, Annie, Cassandra, and Angelina will be loading a boat on our way to Catalina Island. For roughly four days, we will snorkel, hike, and explore the island with the Hawaii team and Bag Team, as they join us on the last day of our trip. We are looking forward to hearing the other team’s projects as we will also be presenting Bag Team’s research to the group and Car Team’s project summary. We can’t wait to see what Catalina offers!
Los Angeles has finally done it!
At about noon on Wednesday, May 23rd 2012, with a vote of 13 to 1 (Councilman Bernard Parks cast the no vote), Los Angeles became the biggest jurisdiction in USA to do this! First there will be a 4 month environmental review of the ban, and then an ordinance will be passed putting it into effect. Then, the large retailers have a six-month phase-out period before banning the bag, small retailers have a 12-month phase-out period, and all retailers must charge 10 cents for paper bags beginning a year after the program starts. This ban will affect an estimated 7300 stores! Go REUSABLE!
Great job LA, lets go STATEWIDE with the ban next!
Read more about the ban at
Check this out:
LA city-wide plastic bag ban!!

City Hall (John Ferraro Council Chamber – Room 340) 200 North Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90012
Twitter hash tag: #LABagBan
Related Videos:
Ban the Bag:
Plastic State of Mind:
Santa Monica Festival!
On Saturday May 19th, a few Team Mariners along with Marine Biology students joined Mr. kay at Clover park for the Santa Monica Festival. Here, we went from booth to booth and got to see/do lots of interesing things. Some of us even got to make trees out of paper bags!
One booth was dedicated to the 2012 Sustinable Santa Monica Art Contest, where they displayed the winners’ work and had art suplies available to use. Team Marine’s entry of our “Trash Pier” artwork got Special Recogition in the 9th-12th grade contest. We saw some great artwork, and just want to congradulate all the other winners; everyone did a great job! Special shout out to one of Samohi’s own, the 9th-12th grade runner-up: Sarah Shin. We had a great time at this event, thanks SM!
Here are some of the other winners of the 2012 Sustinable Santa Monica Art Contest
First Flush video posted on ACE website!
The Alliance for Climate Education (ACE) is dedicated to educating high school students on the science behind climate change to inspire them to take action against global warming. We LOVE ACE! They helped us when we participated in The Biggest Loser Energy Competition, Captains Patricio and Alexis attended Raise Your Voice trainings with them, and last year we competed in the Star Wars competition and won a solar charger. On April 5th, they blogged about our First Flush video on their “Hot and Bothered Blog”.
ACE rocks!
Here’s a link to the post:
First Flush Video posted on 5gyres website!
The 5gyres institute is dedicated to eliminate plastic pollution in all 5 subtropical gyres.
We are proud to call them partners, and On March 26, 2012, they posted a blog featuring the first flush video we made.
Thanks 5gyres!
Link to the blog post:
First flush plastic pollution by Team Marine 2011-2012
A video showing the “First Flush” of the Pico Kenter storm drain through the years…
This past Monday, my mother drove me up to Sacramento to raise awareness for Ocean’s Day with fellow senators and assemblymen of California. Members of Heal the Bay, including Kirsten James who is Heal the Bay’s water quality director, Surfrider Foundation, and students of Scripps Institute of Oceanography were all there to learn as well as teach what they knew to legislatures that were either for or against a statewide plastic bag ban. I met with both Republicans and Democrats that shared their view on the environmental crisis at hand. Assembly member Julia Brownley of Santa Monica was all for the bag ban, wishing for as much environmental protection as California would allow. She passionately wants to protect our oceans as much as we do and vehemently agreed on the bag ban. She was extremely supportive in our efforts for conservation and was pleased to meet with us as we were with her. Assembly member Jim Silva of Huntington Beach was not as supportive and did not wish for a statewide bag ban as he did not feel the need for it at this time. Senator Ted Lieu of Redondo Beach, soon to be representing Santa Monica’s district, was for it as well, and supportive of our other efforts to conserve the environment. Senator Tom Harman seemed on the fence over the subject, as he did not see the need to ban something that can be easily cleaned up on beaches if need be, although he did vote yes on the polystyrene ban.
Overall, we were able to get our message across over why we need this ban and how it could affect the economy, the population of California, and the wildlife. Some senators and assemblymen proved to be more supportive then the others, but they all heard us out and posed questions. Those that were not in favor of a statewide ban did support a municipality by municipality effort to ban the bags, however some were not ready for the official ban as a whole state. The trip was a whole was eye opening and educational, as the politicians depicted exactly how these events play out everyday. Hopefully the ban will be successful and California can be the first and most environmentally aware state of the fifty so far.
Wake Up Los Angeles!
We made a video to show what happens every year on the first rain of the season (usually in October or November). We call this storm the “First Flush”. The First Flush pushes the massive amounts of pollutants that accumulates over the year in storm drains, into the Santa Monica Bay. Trash from all across Los Angeles County gathers and sits for months just waiting for the first big storm to push it out into sea and effect the safety of marine life and citizens. This video from October 2012 documents the different types of trash and “mystery foam” we have found during the First Flush.
Bag Team Quikscience Project!
Team Marine’s Bag Team competed in 2012’s Quikscience Challenge hosted by Quiksilver and USC. Bag Team worked for over a year to collect data on how a single-use plastic bag ban has been effective in Santa Monica. The project proves that a nationwide bag ban is possible and can make immense positive change in the environment. Check out our project summary!