STEM Event at California Yacht Club


On the 25th of July 2014, we, Team Marine, met in Marina Del Rey in order to attend the Sailing through STEM night, where we showcased both our 1971 electric Volkswagen Superbeetle, our newly started cigarette study and recycling game. The event, which took place at the California Yacht club, was composed of diversified stations that incorporated various fields of science through the display of technological advances and real-life applications pertaining to sailing. Our station primarily focused upon the adverse effects of ocean acidification, which aggresses both boats and the shells of calcareous marine organism, and climate change, which could challenge our ability to sail or even survive, on sailing and planet Earth as a whole, as well as solutions to these issues. One such solution, is the replacement of gas combustion engine car by electric vehicles, for these vehicles have a consequently reduced impact on the environment that we cherish. This feat is principally achieved by them being more efficient as to energy input versus output. Moreover, the energy used to produce electricity is shifting toward renewable energy sources. 

We presented mainly to a population of younger students interested both in the STEM subject areas and sailing.  We spoke fluently about the Superbeetle and our other projects, often discussing the process of converting the car. Those students who attended our station were extremely pleased to learn about the environment; one of them went as far as to state that he was so inspired by our work that he would pursue engineering later in life.

All in all, this event was a wonderful time of rejoicing, for we have had the opportunity to instruct those younger than us concerning the problems –but also solutions- currently plaguing our environment, our world. We would truly like to thank the California Yacht Club for hosting this phenomenal event as well as Jessica Servis for her great work in organizing it.


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