Team Marine in the California State Science Fair!

This Tuesday April 16, Team Marine captains Angelina, Edie and Ivan won 4th place out of 24 entries in the senior division of Behavioral and Social Sciences in the California State Science Fair for their bag ban research project. The research focused on the consumer bag choices and how they were affected by the plastic bag ban and the age and gender of the patrons.

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The Fair was held at the California Science Center, home to many great exhibitions, including a kelp forest, an exercise bike that shows light bulb energy efficiency and the Endeavour space shuttle! They got to check out these great exhibitions the day before, when they registered their project.

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A revised version of the report will be published on our website soon. We are also conducting another month of observations this April (a year and seven months after the ban) and we plan on doing more surveys this coming September, two years after the ban.

Thank you again to Dr. Lisette Gold and Dr. Thomas Belin for their guidance on the project!

UPDATE: brianlouxpro at the Water Main blog has done a post on our research. Thank you!

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